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I Think Our Son Is Gay 1

Kód: 3601
379 Kč 379 Kč bez DPH
Skladem (2 ks)

A caring mother and her two beloved sons, one of whom she suspects might be gay, navigate through their daily lives in this delightful and inclusive LGBTQIA+-friendly family comedy!

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

Even though the Aoyama household consists of a family of four, it's usually just Mom Tomoko and her two sweet sons, Hiroki and Yuri, as Dad is often away for work. They go about their daily routines without much interruption.

As Hiroki embarks on his first year of high school, Tomoko can't help but wonder if he has a crush on another boy. While she is happy to support her son from the sidelines and let him figure things out on his own, Hiroki's occasional slips of the tongue are hard to miss! With a knack for accidentally revealing his "secret," Hiroki might just die of embarrassment before all is said and done!

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Komiksy
Autor: Okura
Jazyk: anglicky
Literární žánr: komiks
Nakladatel: Square Enix Manga
Věk: 13+
Rok vydání: 2021
Počet stran: 128
EAN: 9781646090921

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